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Sponsor An Animal Today!

Your monthly donation of $25 means the world to helping the HVSPCA continue its vital work of saving lives in Orange County! Below are just a few of the more than 100 dogs and cats available for sponsorship at the HVSPCA! Sponsor today and make a difference!



Brodie is a 10 years old. He is not OK with cats and OK with older children.  He was severely neglected as a puppy and is now learning how to play with other dogs and his socialization skills with people are improving daily.  Brodie must be adopted with Sasha.



Sasha is about 6 years old and a high energy dog... Sasha was found wandering the streets and is still shy with new people. Once she knows and trusts you, she is a sweet, loving mush! Sasha must be adopted with Brodie.

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Office: (845) 564-6810     Fax: (845) 567-0535 
Hudson Valley SPCA
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